Aging causing eyebrows to move downwards. Brows are not only expressive but also helps in defining age of an individual. Sagging eyebrows make an individual look older. Sometimes, the lower position of the eyebrows makes one look sad, angry and tired. A brow lift surgery is a procedure which is often performed as part of cosmetic surgery. It is also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation. It helps to reposition the brows at the desired location and involves raising of the skin and soft tissue to a superior position which makes the brows look lifted. Brow lift procedures may be indicated in people having low and sagging brows. It is also indicated in patients with uneven brows. Brow ptosis can be one of the unacceptable sequelae of Botulinium Toxin (Botox) use.
Brow lift techniques vary depending on the desired results. The specific technique your surgeon chooses will determine the location of the incisions and the resulting scars.
Following are the various techniques used in a brow lift surgery in Mumbai:
- Endoscopic brow lift.
This procedure is a highly advanced technique for lifting the brows. Multiple small incisions are placed behind the hairline which will be hidden within the hair. This procedure is normally performed under General anaesthesia. The special instrument used in this procedure is an endoscope which is a long thin tube with a light and a small camera mounted on its end. This endoscope is inserted through one of the incisions to view the underlying muscles and tissues.
The forehead tissues are identified, lifted to the desired level and anchored with the use of sutures or screws. One can also use tissue glue and tight head wraps. The incisions are then closed with sutures.
- Temporal brow lift surgery.
This procedure is undertaken through small incisions just behind the hairline on either side of the head in the temporal region. This is performed in an operation theatre under general anaesthesia. This procedure specially opens up the outer aspect of the eye and it give a less tired look.
- Direct brow lift surgery.
This procedure involves removing the skin above the eyebrows. A direct brow lift is indicated in patients with uneven eyebrows with very loose skin. It's also a shorter surgery and can be done with local anaesthesia. This surgery is faster. However, major disadvantage is the visible scar which fades over time.
- Coronal brow lift surgery.
This procedure involves making an incision about 4 to 5 cm behind the hair line starting from above the ear passing through the forehead to the other ear. Then the forehead is lifted into its new position and the excess scalp tissue is removed. After removal of the excess tissue and repositioning it to the desired location and the two ends of the scalp are sutured together. This technique is not typically indicated in people with receding hairline, thin hair or who are likely to lose their hair in future. This procedure is invasive and must be performed under general anaesthesia. This procedure I snow rarely used.
Hairline brow lift surgery.
For this procedure, an incision is made between the top of the forehead and the beginning of the hairline. A small amount of skin and tissue is removed from the top of the forehead, rather than your scalp. This is advised in patients with a long forehead and receding hairline. However, the disadvantage is the scar that is visible along the hairline.
Midforehead brow lift surgery.
This procedure can safely be performed under local anaesthesia i.e. injection will be given in the area to be operated. In this technique the incision is placed in the forehead crease. after making the incision, the excess tissue is removed and the ends of the forehead skin is sutured together. This is indicated in patients with horizontal creases on the forehead during the resting phase and older patients with wrinkles on the forehead. The scar will more or less look like a natural crease.
Endotine Browlift surgery.
Absorbable endotines are fixed to the forehead bon eon which the forehead skin is suspended. This can be undertaken through the eyelid incision or rarely from the scalp.
All the procedures are performed under proper asepsis and antibiotic coverage. It is usually an out-patient procedure i.e. the patient is admitted during the day and discharged by the evening After a brow lift surgery in India, your forehead might be loosely wrapped to minimize swelling.
Dr. Thomas will be the best person to decide which technique is suitable for you. Various factors play a role in the final decision, v.i.z. short forehead, long forehead, the position of the hairline, scarring tendencies, age etc. Further post- operative instructions on how to care for your incisions will be given after the procedure.
In the first few days after a brow lift surgery:
- Rest with your head elevated
- You have to be on antibiotics and pain killers
- Avoid exposing your incisions to excessive pressure, motion and sun.
- Not to sleep on the sides.
As your incisions heal, you will experience itching and numbness. It reduces in severity over a week. If your incisions are covered with bandages, they are likely be removed in 1 to 3 days. Sutures typically will be removed within 7 to 10 days of surgery. The swelling is expected to last for several days. Incision lines will fade over time. You can use makeup to conceal any prolonged bruising.
By raising the soft tissue and skin of your forehead and brow, a brow lift can give your face a more youthful appearance. It holds the tissue in place. The sagging and drooping of the brows are corrected and the new position gives it a more enhanced and young look.
By raising the soft tissue and skin of your forehead and brow, a brow lift can give your face a more youthful appearance. It holds the tissue in place. The sagging and drooping of the brows are corrected and the new position gives it a more enhanced and young look.
With lot of advantages, there are few risks that may occur if not undertaken by specialists like Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics. They include:
- Scar formation
- Temporary numbness
- Asymmetrical brow lift
One must keep in mind that brow lift results are semi permanent. As the age progresses, it can sag again but never to the same extent. Sun damage also can age your skin. However, it has proved to give a long-lasting effect than the non-surgical techniques of brow lifting. On an average, it has proved to last for about 10-12 years
Other adjunctive procedures can also be used like-
- Autologous fat grafting
- Chemical browlift (Botox)
By lifting the eyebrows and removing the excess skin, the brow lift surgery in India can erase the fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead. It makes the face look more youthful and reverses a tired or angry appearance. It has also proved in correcting the upper eyelid sagging.
Brow lift surgery cost in India depends on the type of surgery chosen, the duration of surgery and the associated procedures undertaken at the same time. I suggest that you come and meet the doctors or send your photographs in various views so that a treatment plan and cost can be provided.